Recipient of "Friend of the Taxpayer" Award for 2023 General Session

I was already having an epic day (enjoying the nice weather and a very kind constituent's Voicemail this morning) when I learned that I had received the "Friend of the Taxpayer" award this session from the Utah Taxpayers Association - one of only 10 House members to do so. (Two senators also received the award.)

Thank you, Utah taxpayers and the Utah Taxpayers Association!

Tracking sheets from various organizations come across our desks all session, urging us to vote for bills they like or against bills they dislike, but I don't track bills on tracking sheets because during session I don't have time. I prefer to judge each bill on its own merits, so I was pleased to learn that my opinion of key tax bills aligned so well with theirs.

Our largest appropriations category each year (over $10 billion this session) went to people in need. Social services long ago eclipsed K-12 education as our largest category of state spending.

In 2023, the legislature (acting on behalf of taxpayers) also funded education, transportation, water conservation, and debt reduction (ahead of a possible economic downturn) at record levels.

And we balanced the budget, which we do every year.

Finally, we cut taxes by $400+ million to offset the effects of inflation.

I can't take credit for this, of course. The taxpayers themselves provided the revenue, and we have an amazing team of fiscal analysts and some remarkable legislators managing the budget process from start to finish. I just participated on my appropriations subcommittee and voted on bills with taxpayers in mind.

If you're ever curious to know more about state revenues and spending, you will find clarity and transparency at

And if you want to learn more about the Utah Taxpayers Association (with its snarling bulldog logo), go to

Cheryl Acton